Maltese Dogs

Basic information about Maltese Dogs

The Maltese is a small and elegant toy dog breed known for its luxurious white coat, gentle temperament, and lively personality. Here’s an overview of Maltese dogs:


Maltese dogs are small in size, typically weighing between 4 to 7 pounds (1.8 to 3.2 kg) and standing around 7 to 9 inches (18 to 23 cm) tall at the shoulder.
They have a compact and well-proportioned build, with a slightly rounded skull, a short muzzle, and a black nose. Their eyes are dark and round, giving them a sweet and expressive look.

The most distinctive feature of the Maltese is its long, flowing coat, which is silky, straight, and pure white in color. The coat requires regular grooming to prevent mats and tangles.


Maltese dogs are known for their affectionate, playful, and outgoing temperament. They are social creatures that thrive on companionship and enjoy being around people and other pets.

Despite their small size, they are confident and spirited, with a lively and energetic personality. They love to play and engage in activities with their owners, but they also enjoy relaxing and cuddling.

Maltese dogs are generally good with children and make excellent family pets, but they may be better suited to households with older children who can handle them gently due to their small size.


The Maltese is an ancient breed with a history that dates back over 2,000 years. They are believed to have originated on the Mediterranean island of Malta, where they were cherished as companions by royalty and nobility.

They were popular among ancient civilizations, including the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, who valued them for their beauty, charm, and affectionate nature.

Over the centuries, Maltese dogs became popular as lap dogs and companions to aristocrats and ladies of the court. They were often depicted in artwork and literature, further enhancing their reputation as beloved pets.

Appearance in movies

Maltese dogs have made appearances in various movies and television shows over the years, often due to their small size, adorable appearance, and charming personality. While they may not always play prominent roles, their presence adds warmth and appeal to the screen. Here are a few notable appearances of Maltese dogs in movies:

  • Legally Blonde (2001)
  • Beethoven’s 5th (2003)
  • Sex and the City (TV Series, 1998-2004)
  • The Proposal (2009)
  • John Wick (2014)


Maltese dogs require regular grooming to keep their coat looking its best. Daily brushing is recommended to prevent mats and tangles, and occasional baths are needed to keep them clean and fresh.

Due to their small size, Maltese dogs are well-suited to apartment living or homes with limited space. They have moderate exercise needs and enjoy short walks, play sessions, and indoor activities.

Maltese dogs are generally healthy, but they may be prone to certain health issues, including dental problems, luxating patella (loose kneecaps), and eye problems. Regular veterinary check-ups and proper dental care are important for maintaining their overall health.

Overall, Maltese dogs are cherished for their beauty, charm, and affectionate nature. They make wonderful companions for individuals and families seeking a small, lively, and loving canine companion.

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