Bengal cat breed

Bombay cat breed
The Bombay cat is a short-haired cat breed originating from the United States. This cat has a shiny black coat, similar to a black panther, suitable for owners who are at risk of being allergic to cat hair.
In addition, the Bombay cat’s fur is short, thick, shiny, has a special hair structure and a habit of regularly grooming itself, so it rarely sheds hair. This cat breed has an easy-going, friendly personality, is eager to learn, and has good survival ability. Therefore, this will be a suitable choice for busy owners who have little time to take care of it.
Peterbald cat breed

Korat cat breed
The Korat is an ancient breed of cat originating from Thailand, when it was known as the Siamese cat. According to many researchers, this breed of cat has existed since 1350 AD. Its characteristics are green eyes and light blue fur with silver markings. Unlike other breeds of cats, the Korat usually has a single-colored coat, without spots or mixed color patches.

Burmese cat breed
The Burmese cat has a short, soft, strong coat, so it rarely sheds compared to other cat breeds. This cat breed has a friendly, affectionate and understanding personality towards its owner, so it is very popular. However, Burmese cats tend to gain weight easily, so when raising them, don’t forget to build a suitable diet and give them regular exercise.

Cornish Rex cat breed
Cornish Rex is a breed of cat with short, curly hair that grows close to the body, so it usually does not shed or rarely sheds. In addition, the Cornish Rex’s fur is also thin and soft, so it is easy to brush, without worrying about breakage, shedding, or affecting the hair follicles. This breed of cat has an active personality, likes to be cared for, cared for, and play with its owner.

The above article has helped you summarize 6 cat breeds that do not shed or shed the least hair. You can refer to and choose a cat that suits your needs and preferences. Don’t forget to look forward to the next interesting articles of ASIAPATA.
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