Transporting pets from Hue to Kōriyama (Japan)
Do you need to transport pets from Hue to Koriyama, Japan?
Are you looking for a safe, reliable pet transportation service?
You don’t know what the process and documents need to prepare?
ASIAPATA is the perfect choice when you want to send your pet from Hue to Kōriyama(Japan) quickly and safely!
Process for transporting pets from Hue to Koriyama (Japan)
1. Understand the Regulations and Requirements
Japan: Japan has strict regulations regarding the import of animals. You need to check vaccination requirements, health checks, and required documents
2. Health Examination and Vaccination
Vaccinations: Your pet needs to be fully vaccinated. For example, dogs need to have a rabies vaccination certificate.
Health Examination: You need to take your pet to the veterinarian for a health check. The veterinarian will issue a health certificate for the pet, usually within 5-7 days before departure.
3. Making Papers and Certificates
Vaccination Certificate: Make sure you have a valid vaccination certificate.
Health Certificate: Provide a health certificate issued by a veterinarian.
Entry Permit: You may need to apply for an entry permit from the Japanese animal control agency.
4. Prepare to Pack
Transport Barn: Buy or rent a transport barn that meets international standards (IATA). The cage must be large enough for the pet to stand up, turn around and lie down comfortably.
Labeling: Make sure the coop is clearly labeled with your contact information and other necessary details.

5. Schedule Shipping
Shipping Carrier: Choose a professional freight carrier or pet transportation service. They can assist you in arranging and managing the necessary paperwork.
Book a Ticket: Book your pet’s seat on a flight. Make sure you check the airline’s special requirements for transporting animals.
6. Flight Day
Prepare Your Pet: Make sure your pet is well fed before leaving. Bring your pet to the airport early to allow time for check-in and testing.
Carry out Customs Procedures: Complete customs procedures and check pets at the departure airport.
7. Go to Japan
Pet Pickup: Once arriving in Koriyama, you will need to complete customs formalities and pick up your pet at the airport. Make sure you have all the necessary documents to present to the authorities in Japan.
Health Check: Take your pet to a local veterinarian for a health check if needed.
How to transport pets from Hanoi to Kōriyama (Japan)
1. Air Freight Commercial Flights:
- Flight Route: Most flights from Hanoi to Japan have to transit at some major airports such as Tokyo (Narita or Haneda). After arriving in Tokyo, you will need to transfer to Kōriyama by a domestic flight.
- Requirements: Pets will be transported in the cargo hold of the aircraft, in a transport cage in accordance with IATA regulations. You need to book a ticket for your pet in advance and confirm the airline’s requirements for transporting animals.
- Special Shipping:
Pet Transportation Services: Some companies specializing in providing pet transportation services can support the entire process from Hanoi to Kōriyama, including customs clearance and health checks. They can provide shipping sheds, help you process the necessary paperwork, and arrange transfers.
2. Road and Air Freight Road:
- Transportation to Airport: Pets will be transported from your home to Noi Bai international airport (Hanoi) using safe and suitable transportation.
- International Airport: After arriving at the airport, the pet will be transferred by air.
- Domestic Air:
Transfers: Once arriving in Japan, you will need a domestic flight from Tokyo (or other airport) to Kōriyama. You may need to work with special shipping services to ensure that your pet has a smooth transition.
Pet transportation time from Hanoi to Kōriyama (Japan)
1. Air Freight Hanoi to Tokyo:
- Flight Time: Direct flights from Noi Bai International Airport (Hanoi) to Tokyo (Narita or Haneda) usually take about 4-6 hours.
- Transit: If you fly with airlines that do not have direct flights or need to transit at other airports, it can take 6-10 hours or more, depending on wait times and route.
- Tokyo to Kōriyama:
Flight Time: The flight from Tokyo to Kōriyama usually takes about 1.5-2 hours.
Waiting Time: If you have to transfer between domestic flights in Japan, waiting time at the airport can range from 1-3 hours.
Total Time: Total flight time from Hanoi to Kōriyama, including transit and waiting time, usually ranges from 8-15 hours. This does not include processing time at airports, transfers, and customs procedures.
2. Preparation and Processing
- Time Vaccinations, health checks, and paperwork can take from a few days to a few weeks before the trip.
- The time needed to complete the procedures at the airport before flying can range from 1-3 hours, depending on the airline’s level of preparation and procedures.
- When you arrive in Japan, you may need time to process customs and pet inspection. This time is usually 1-2 hours.
Pet Relocation from Vietnam to Yongin, South Korea
Instructions for Transporting Pets from Vietnam to Yeosu City, Korea