Instructions for Transporting Pets from Vietnam to Yeosu City, Korea

Instructions for Transporting Pets from Vietnam to Yeosu City, Korea

Transporting pets from Vietnam to Korea, especially Yeosu city, requires careful preparation and compliance with Korea’s strict animal entry regulations. Here are the important things you need to know and steps to ensure your pet is safe and comfortable throughout the journey.

Instructions for Transporting Pets from Vietnam to Yeosu City, Korea
Instructions for Transporting Pets from Vietnam to Yeosu City, Korea

Learn about Korea’s Animal Entry Regulations

Before transporting pets, you need to clearly understand Korean regulations on animal entry. Specifically:

– Rabies vaccine: Your pet must be vaccinated against rabies at least 30 days but not more than 12 months before entering the country.

– Microchip: Pets must be fitted with a microchip according to international standards ISO 11784 or ISO 11785.

– Health certificate: This certificate must be issued by a competent veterinary agency within 10 days before your pet’s departure, certifying that your pet is healthy and has received all necessary vaccinations. .

– Serum test: For some species, pets need to undergo a serum test to determine the level of anti-rabies antibodies.

Learn about Korea's Animal Entry Regulations
Learn about Korea’s Animal Entry Regulations

Process for transporting pets from Ho Chi Minh to Yeosu

Service consulting

Provides information about types of transportation.
Choose a suitable airline and get a detailed quote.

Prepare documents

Instruct customers to prepare all necessary documents.
Includes health certificate, medical examination book, transportation permit, and entry permit.

Health check and vaccination

Take your pet for a general health check and receive required vaccinations according to Korean regulations.

Prepare the transport cage

Make sure the carrier meets safety and comfort standards for your pet during the flight.

Shipping by air

Pets will be transported to the international airport in Seongnam.

Customs clearance support

Help customers complete customs procedures at Seongnam airport and deliver pets to the requested address.

Select Shipping Method

You can choose between shipping by air or through companies that specialize in pet transportation. If you choose air, contact the airline for more details on regulations, cage size and other requirements.

– Airlines: Many airlines have international pet transportation services, but each airline will have its own regulations on cage size, pet type and shipping fees.

– Pet transportation companies: Some professional companies provide services from paperwork, transportation to pet care throughout the journey.

Prepare Before Your Trip

To ensure your pet is safe and comfortable throughout the journey, keep the following in mind:

– Transport cage: Choose a cage of appropriate size, sufficiently ventilated and sturdy. Make sure the cage is fully labeled with your name, contact information and relevant paperwork.

– Personal items: Bring personal items such as blankets and your pet’s favorite toys to help them feel more secure.

– Food and water: Make sure your pet is well fed and drinks enough water before departure. Put some food and water in the cage if traveling is long.

Prepare Before Your Trip
Prepare Before Your Trip

Procedures at the Airport and After Entry

– At the airport: Arrive at the airport early to complete transportation procedures. You need to provide health certificates, vaccines and other relevant documents to customs.

– After entering the country: In Korea, pets will be checked again at the animal quarantine station. If all requirements are met, your pet will be allowed entry. You should note that this process may take some time, so please be patient.

Go to Yeosu

After completing all procedures. Your pet will be ready to start a new life in Uijeongbu city. Make sure you have prepared a comfortable, safe place to stay. Give your pet time to adapt to the new environment.


Transporting pets from Vietnam to Uijeongbu, Korea. Requires careful preparation and compliance with strict regulations. By following the above steps correctly. You can ensure your pet has an itinerary that:

  • Safe
  • Convenient to new residence

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