International Pet Transport to Chiang Mai

International Pet Transport to Chiang Mai.

International Pet Transport to Chiang Mai.

Would you like to transport your pets from Vietnam to Chiang Mai (Thailand) ?

You worry about a lot of international pet transportation regulations, don’t you ?

Are you looking for a stable and immediate transportation agency ?

You and your pets need transport to Thailand ? Let’s us help you deal with the international pet transportation policy. Chiang Mai is a rural area in northern Thailand that is well-known for tourism and serves as a significant cultural landmark for the nation of the Golden Temple.The demand for transporting pets in Chiang Mai is very high so the customer always want the best service for their puppy .

We can offer a lot of services for your pets .

In order to deliver a polished and comprehensive service, we always serve the customer with a lot of advantages such as :

  • Accurate and clear informations and price
  • Pet cage support with IATA standard
  • Pick up your pets at home and airport
  • Thailand’s pet import document
  • Customs clear after arrival
We can offer a lot of services for your pets .
We can offer a lot of services for your pets .

What documents do you need to prepare for your pets ?

Pets are now considered citizens with a lot of priority in terms of policy howevert there are still some special regulations for them. You can get in touch with us to acquire all the details you need to make a successful journey.

  • Your pet’s height , weight and length
  • Their type and origin
  • Medical Book that is translated into English and Vietnamese
  • Certificate of Animal Quarantine
  • Certificate of full vaccination
  • The passport of owner and the pets
  •   Certificate of blood test against rabies (optional)

Regulations on cages for pets sent to Chiang Mai .

Pet cage is an compulsory object for your puppy while transporting to Thailand. This cage has to meet the IATA standard to make sure for your pet’s safety.

  • Appropriate size : The carrier cage must have enough space for the pet to rotate normally when standing, for the pet to stand and sit upright, and to lie in a natural position.
  • Open to the outside : The transport cage must be adequately ventilated on at least three sides, of which the majority of ventilation is from the upper part of the transport cage.
  • It must have a tray for food and water : Can be fixed inside the transport cage or removable to add food and water from outside the transport cage.
  • Properly fixed : in order to prevent pets from escaping
Regulations on cages for pets sent to Chiang Mai .
Regulations on cages for pets sent to Chiang Mai .

Our complete working process includes.

Step 1: Contact us to get the information and price

Step 2: You provide detailed information about the goods to be charged for the service

Step 3: Receive goods at the customer’s address and complete the delivery procedure

Step 4: Our staff complete the procedures and ensure the goods arrive at your requested address

We are one of the most reliable pet transportation agencies in Vietnam. 

As a business that specializes in shipping pets to and from Asia, including Vietnam. We have a global network that reaches many nations. Our knowledgeable staff possesses the knowledge and capacity to organize the safe transport of your pet to any location in the world.

Please quickly contact us for the most thorough advice and get the best deals in 2023 !