International Pet Transport to Los Angeles

International Pet Transport to Los Angeles

International pet transport to Los Angeles from Australia is direct via Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and Perth. Flights are available with Qantas and United Airways and flight time is approximately 16 hours.

International Pet Travel Requirements for Cats and Dogs

  • Airline-approved pet travel crate
  • Annual vaccination
  • Customs clearance
  • Australian Government accredited veterinary consultation
  • Australian Government export permit
  • Australian Government health certificate
  • Microchip
International Pet Transport to Los Angeles
International Pet Transport to Los Angeles

International Pet Relocation Arrival

Our team can arrange for your pet to be collected from Los Angeles International Airport and transported to your home or office via our international pet relocation partner. Pets can also be collected from the animal reception centre at the airport.

A few notes when transporting pets to Los Angeles

Is air travel right for your pet?

Not all pets are suitable for air travel and owners should carefully consider whether their pets are suitable for this type of transportation.

General eligibility criteria

Cats and dogs can be exported to Los Angeles only from approved countries. Pets must not be under quarantine at the time of shipping and must be at least eight weeks old. Cats and dogs must not be more than 40 days pregnant or suckling at the time of export.


All pets entering Los Angeles need to be implanted with an ISO 11784/11785 compliant microchip that can be read by an Avid, Destron or other ISO compliant readers. The microchip must be scanned after implantation, and the number must be recorded correctly on all your pet’s documents.
Implanting the right microchip is critical because if the biosecurity officials cannot read it, or if the number is not recorded correctly in the documentation, your pet will not be allowed to enter the country.
International Pet Transport to Los Angeles
International Pet Transport to Los Angeles

Import permit

An import permit is necessary to import your pet into Los Angeles. You will need to submit the application and the supporting documentation that includes rabies vaccination, the rabies titre test declaration and the rabies titre test laboratory report. All the supporting documentation should bear the microchip number of the pet clearly.

Imports permits take about 20 days to process and are valid for 12 months from the date of issue. It is critical that you submit the correct documentation; incorrect and incomplete applications will be put on hold by the department.

International Pet Transport to Los Angeles
International Pet Transport to Los Angeles

Health certificate

Your pet has to undergo a pre-export clinical examination by a government approved vet within five days of flying. The vet has to examine for external parasites and check for signs of infectious or contagious diseases.

After the clinical examination, your pet will need a veterinary health certificate signed by an official government veterinarian in the country of export. The certificate must have details of all the vaccinations and other health tests in the proper format. This is an important document, and any error in the document will result in increased quarantine time for your pet.


Pets arriving from Category I countries are not obliged to spend time in quarantine. Your pet is free to go home with you after post-arrival inspection. Cats and dogs entering Los Angeles from Category II and Category III countries will spend about 10 days in the  quarantine facility, provided your pet meets all the veterinary requirements.

Pets travelling from non-approved countries have to spend at least six months in an approved country in Category II or III before moving to Australia. Upon entry in Los Angeles, your pet will spend 10 days in the quarantine facility before you can take him or her home.

Please contact us immediately so that your pet can experience the best service

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