Malaysia Air Pets Carriage Regulations (Updated 2024)
Transporting pets by air to Malaysia requires you to comply with a variety of regulations to ensure your pet’s safety, health, and compliance with local laws. Here are the key points you need to keep in mind:

1. Types of pets allowed to be transported:
- Most Malaysian airlines allow the transportation of dogs, cats, and some small animals such as rabbits, ornamental birds, and reptiles,…
- List of animals prohibited from transportation:
- Dogs of short or flat muzzle breeds (Pit Bull, Boxer, Bulldog, Pug, Chow Chow, Shar Pei,…)
- Wild, rare, dangerous animals
- Animals at risk of spreading diseases
2. Pet Health:
- Pets must be healthy, not carrying infectious pathogens.
- Fully vaccinated according to Malaysian regulations (including rabies vaccine, canine/cat influenza vaccine,…).
- A health certificate and vaccination book issued by a veterinarian within 10 days before the flight are required.
- Some vaccines require injections at least 30 days before flying.
- Pets can undergo additional health checks at the airport.

3. Transport Cage:
- Conform to IATA standards.
- The size is spacious enough for pets to stand, lie down, turn around, change positions comfortably.
- Sturdy, well ventilated, safe doors.
- Lined with absorbent, non-slip material.
- Put food, water, toys for pets inside.
4. Shipping procedures:
- Advance reservation for pets on the same flight.
- Provide pet information to the airline.
- Bring the necessary documents (health certificate, vaccination book, export license – if any).
- Check in for your pet at the special merchandise counter.
- Pets may be subject to security checks.
5. Shipping Fee:
- Varies depending on airline, size, pet weight, departure/arrival point.
- Contact the airline for details.
6. Other notes:
- Muzzles, leashes for pets when moving around the airport.
- Pets are prohibited from going to the toilet indiscriminately.
- Bring food and water for pets (comply with aviation security regulations).
- Give your pet a snack before flying, avoid motion sickness.
- Provide enough drinking water throughout the journey.
- Consult a veterinarian about sedatives if your pet is worried or scared.

7. Refer to information:
- Bộ Nông nghiệp Malaysia:
- Cục Thú y Malaysia:
8. Contact the airline:
Detailed advice, updates on pet transportation regulations, contact the airline you plan to use directly.
Wish you and your pet a safe and smooth flight!