Points to Note: Shipping your pets from Vietnam to Japan

Points to Note: Shipping your pets from Vietnam to Japan

Points to Note: Shipping your pets from Vietnam to Japan

One thing that is obvious is the tight commercial links in goods and services between Japan and Vietnam. Pet travel between two nations has become more and more popular in recent years. There has been a noticeable surge in the desire among the Vietnamese community living and working in China to live with their pets.

Points to Note: Shipping your pets from Vietnam to Japan
Points to Note: Shipping your pets from Vietnam to Japan

1. What sets us apart?

Asiapata has been an expert in providing long-term pet transportation services. As a result, we always ensure that your dogs or cats are under the best possible care because we recognize how important they are to your family.
Furthermore, our responsible employees meticulously supply the necessary requirements to guarantee efficient and seamless service during the delivery process from your home to the intended location.

2. Import Procedures

Conduct checks for rabies and Leptospirosis (specifically for dogs). The import of dogs and cats is regulated by the Rabies Prevention Law and the Infectious Disease Prevention Law for pets (for dogs). Import procedures for dogs and cats into Japan vary depending on the country/region of origin. Generally, countries/regions must complete the following steps:
  • Quarantine and treatment in the country of origin
  • Submit a prior notice
  • Obtain necessary documents such as certificates
  • Arrange transportation procedures
  • Submit an import quarantine application upon arrival in Japan
  • Submit required documents and fees if quarantine is needed at the Quarantine Station
  • Return/Destroy if import is not possible
  • Address any other issues as requested by the Animal Quarantine Station
  • If dogs and cats meet the conditions, the holding time upon arrival in Japan (import quarantine time) is within 12 hours (usually just a few hours if no issues arise). If conditions are not met, they must undergo quarantine at the Animal Quarantine Station (up to 180 days). Depending on the quarantine results, import may be denied.

3. Post-Arrival Import Quarantine in Japan

Upon arrival in Japan, dogs and cats must undergo import inspection at the Animal Quarantine Station. Owners need to register for import inspection at the station. If there are no issues during the import inspection, an import quarantine certificate will be issued, and the import will be approved. If the dogs and cats do not meet Japan’s import conditions, they will be held for inspection or returned/destroyed within a maximum of 180 days.
Required documents:
  • Original certificate issued by the government agency of the exporting country (as per item 7)
  • Rabies antibody test results (as per item 3)
  • Copy of the transport waybill (Air Waybill for air transport or Bill of Lading for sea transport)
  • Import inspection application form for dogs
  • Import inspection application form for cats
  • Other documents as required by the Animal Quarantine Station
  • Information from the Japanese Animal Quarantine Service website

I hope your pet will have a memorable and safe travel experience with Asiapata by your side.

“Travel Safely, Create Memories with Asiapata!”

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