Vaccination schedule for pet travel to Indonesia

Vaccination schedule for pet travel to Indonesia

Pet vaccinations are vital for international travel; all countries require your pet to be fully vaccinated against rabies and other contagious animal diseases before travelling.

Pets can travel to Indonesia only if all the pet import conditions are fulfilled satisfactorily. When travelling with your pet dog or cat, their vaccinations, health checks, and paperwork must be proper to enter the country. If you plan to travel to Indonesia with your dog or cat, here’s the vaccination schedule to follow:

Vaccination schedule for pet travel to Indonesia
Vaccination schedule for pet travel to Indonesia

Why are pet vaccines important for international travel?

Pet vaccines work by triggering an immune response in the pet when exposed to dangerous disease-causing microorganisms. They protect your pet from life-threatening illnesses and prevent the spread of zoonotic diseases. Vaccinations help check the spread of contagious animal diseases such as rabies, parvovirus, Bordetella, feline leukaemia, distemper and others.

Pet vaccines are mandatory before international travel. They prevent the introduction of exotic diseases into the destination country. Many countries have successfully eradicated rabies and other animal diseases. Some animal diseases commonly seen in one country may not be present in others. In such scenarios, vaccination helps prevent the entry of these diseases into the destination country.

Vaccination schedule for pet travel to Indonesia
Vaccination schedule for pet travel to Indonesia

Vaccination schedule for pet travel to Indonesia

All pet dogs and cats must be completely vaccinated before travelling to Indonesia. The immunisation must be done within 12 months and not less than 30 days from the date of travel. Every pet must carry a record of all vaccinations. The vaccinations must be current at the time of travel to Indonesia.

Pet dogs travelling to Indonesia must be vaccinated for:

  • Rabies (Inactive vaccine)
  • Distemper
  • Hepatitis
  • Leptospirosis
  • Parvovirus
  • Bordetella
  • Parainfluenza

Pet cats travelling to Indonesia need the following vaccines:

  • Calicivirus
  • Feline Panleukopenia
  • Rhinotracheitis
  • Chlamydia
  • Rabies (Inactive vaccine)

Pet cats and dogs travelling from countries that are not rabies-free must take a rabies titre test before travelling. Sample for the test must be collected 30 days after administering the rabies vaccine, and your pet must have an antibody level of at least 0.5 IU/ml to travel to Indonesia.

Vaccination schedule for pet travel to Indonesia
Vaccination schedule for pet travel to Indonesia

International pet transport to Indonesia

Bringing your pet dog or cat to Indonesia is not always simple. Pet import regulations in Indonesia depend on the rabies status of the country your pet is travelling from. An accredited international pet travel agency can help with the relocation and ensure your pet has a safe and comfortable journey.

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