International Pet Transport To Serbia

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All you need to know about bringing your pet dog or cat to Serbia

Serbia is a beautiful European country known for its rich heritage and culture. The capital city of Belgrade has ancient architecture and is well-known as one of the oldest cities in Europe. Serbians are fun-loving and enjoy a good party. They love their pets, with many households owning multiple pets. Dogs and cats are the most popular pets in Serbia.

If you are travelling to Serbia with your pet cat or dog, a certain protocol must be followed for your pet to enter the country. Pet import regulations in Serbia differ depending on the rabies status of the country your pet is travelling from. Read on for more information on all you need to know about travelling with your pet dog or cat to Serbia.

International Pet Transport To Serbia
International Pet Transport To Serbia

Microchip your pet

All pets travelling to Serbia must be permanently identified with a microchip. The microchip is usually implanted under the skin between the shoulder blade. The chip has a unique microchip number that can be read using a scanner, and customs officials at the airport and airline employees scan the chip with a reader to retrieve your pet’s information. Since the microchip is a permanent form of identification for your pet, remember to update your pet’s details in the registry as required.

The microchip has to be ISO-compliant and must be capable of being read by an ISO-compliant scanner. Remember to provide a scanner when your pet travels if your pet’s microchip is not ISO-compliant. The microchip has to be implanted before your pet receives the rabies vaccination.

International Pet Transport To Serbia
International Pet Transport To Serbia

Check the country category

Many countries have different pet import regulations depending on the rabies status of the country the pet is travelling from. Serbia recognises three country categories based on the prevalence of rabies:

  • Countries with no rabies – All EU member countries and Andorra, Switzerland, Faeroe Islands, Gibraltar, Greenland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, and Vatican City State belong in this category.
  • Countries with zero or low incidence of rabies – These countries have no rabies or very low occurrence of rabies. They are the United Arab Emirates, Antigua and Barbuda, Netherlands, Antilles, Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Barbados, Bahrain, Bermuda, Canada, Chile, Fiji, Falkland Islands, Hong Kong, Croatia, Jamaica, Japan, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Cayman Islands, Montserrate, Mauritius, New Caledonia, New Zealand, French Polynesia, Saint Pierre et Miquelon, Russian Federation, Singapore, Saint Helena, Taiwan, United States of America, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, and Mayotte.
  • Countries with a high incidence of rabies – All other non-listed countries fall in this category. Rabies is prevalent in these countries, and pets must undergo a rabies titre test before travelling.
International Pet Transport To Serbia
International Pet Transport To Serbia

Vaccinations for cats and dogs travelling to Serbia

  • When your pet travels internationally, vaccination is one of the first steps in the process. Most countries require pets to be vaccinated against rabies and other common pet diseases, and some countries have additional requirements depending on where your pet is travelling from.
  • If your pet dog or cat is travelling to Serbia from a country with zero or low incidence of rabies, they need a rabies vaccination not less than 21 days before travel. Talk to your vet about vaccinating with a WHO standard inactivated vaccine that contains one minimum antigen per dose. Recombinant rabies vaccines with a live virus vector are also accepted in Serbia. Remember to administer the rabies vaccine after the microchip implantation. All vaccinations received by the pet must be recorded clearly in the pet passport or veterinary certificate with the pet and owner’s details.
  • Pet dogs and cats travelling from an unlisted country with a high incidence of rabies need a rabies titre test after the rabies vaccination. This test checks the vaccine’s efficacy and confirms that your pet is adequately protected against the disease.
  • The sample for the rabies titre test must be drawn 30 days after the vaccine has been administered and analysed in an EU-approved lab. Your pet dog or cat must have a minimum antibody level of at least 0.5 IU/ml to travel to Serbia. Your pet must wait for three months after the sampling date before travelling to Serbia.
  • Pet dogs and cats must also be vaccinated for other common canine and feline diseases such as parvovirus, distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, and parainfluenza for dogs and feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia for cats.

Health certificate or pet passport

Pets travelling to Serbia from EU or European countries must have an updated pet passport issued by a registered vet. Pets from other countries need a health certificate attested by a government official in the origin country. The health certificate must have the following information:

  • Pet name and breed
  • Microchip number
  • Vaccination details
  • Rabies titre test details (for pets travelling from unlisted countries only)
  • Pet owner contact information

Transporting puppies and kittens to Serbia

Unvaccinated pups and kittens less than 12 weeks old and between 12 and 16 weeks of age can travel to Serbia only from listed countries. They can travel only if they have had no contact since their birth with wild animals that could be infected with rabies. They can also travel with the mother only if the mother has been vaccinated against rabies before their birth.

Pet quarantine in Serbia

There is no mandatory quarantine for pets travelling to Serbia as long as all pet import conditions are met. As soon as your pet lands in the country, they will be examined for signs of illness and infectious diseases. If your pet is not in good health when they arrive in Serbia, they will need further veterinary examination at your expense.

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